JUSTINE I 45 - On a journey to find my authentic self.


Be part of my 40 over 40 Special Edition Photo Sessions


Be part of my 40 over 40 Special Edition Photo Sessions /

Justine and I have known each other for years. The first time I photographed her was in 2013. She trusted me then with her photos as much as she still trusts me today. That means everything to me. This is the third time I’ve photographed her, and each time has had a different significance for her. This is an excellent place to let you know that we are constantly changing, and it’s ok. We are meant to. That’s why I believe capturing and celebrating any season you feel needs to be remembered and cherished is essential.

I’m excited to feature Justine today.

Justine, share a little bit about yourself.

I am 45 years old and on a transformational journey. A journey to find my authentic self and be who I want to be no matter what other people’s opinions are about how I express myself or live my life. My husband and I have sold our belongings and home, and we are traveling the world! Shedding all of the material things in my life has shown me that I hold the magic within myself to create whatever kind of experiences I want. Having this photo shoot has brought up even more self-love and strength to be ME. Open your mind and ask yourself why you believe the things you believe. Are these your true beliefs or just beliefs that were thrust upon you? A beautiful person shines with kindness, joy, compassion, and service. I am excited to start this new journey in my life.

What have been some significant points of change in your life so far? - ​How did these significant points in your life change you?

I no longer drink alcohol. I am going to travel the world and experience life to the fullest. I am open about how I feel; my communication with others is honest and sincere. Taking time to observe myself and change the things within myself that are not serving my highest good and the highest good of others. This has made my life so much more joyful and loving. I don’t find myself in constant judgment of myself or others. It is work, and these things don’t just go away, but I am willing to do the work I need to do to continue becoming the goddess I am meant to be.

Have your values changed over time? What do you value now?

My values have changed so much! I no longer need to have certain things to make myself feel worthy. I don’t need to get validation from others to know my worth. I value time with loved ones, friends, and strangers. I appreciate myself most of all, and when my cup is full, I can be there for everyone I love.

What’s something fun you’ve checked off your bucket list?

Sky Diving.

Is there a myth you’d like to bust about being a woman over 40?

40 is fantastic everything you have experienced this far is pure wisdom. Even if you think something was horrible, it was still a lesson for you to grow. Embrace your wisdom, your beauty, your essence! 40 is whatever you want it to be!

What’s a piece of you have for the younger generation?

Everything you are going through is meant to be, and it will shape you into your most authentic self. Face the parts of yourself you may try and hide love all of you!!!

When I asked her what this photo session meant, she said, “This photo session is a catapult into a new chapter of my life. It’s a celebration of me!!!”

I can’t thank Justine enough or any of my clients for their trust in me to capture and create images that tell their stories and for the vulnerability to share with everyone.

I hope you continue shining light and lover wherever you go, and I wish our paths meet again. Enjoy this new chapter in your life journey, dear Justine.

Much love,
